Motus Reference Manual
Page 70 of 146
Version 1.1
The reset button causes the system to perform a power cycle as if the unit had the
power removed and reapplied. The factory restore button causes the system to erase
all settings and restore factory defaults. It also erases the hot start data so that the
system is forced to perform a cold start.
Reference Position Offsets
The Reference Position Offsets dialogue allows the user to move the heave
measurement points to different positions on the vessel. When the values are zero the
measurement point is the centre of the Motus unit. This can be offset to a different
position on the ship by entering the offset value from the centre of the Motus unit to
the desired position in the body co-ordinate frame (X positive forwards, Z positive
down). Please note that these values only apply to the Heave Packet. NMEA, TSS and
Simrad heave is not affected by the values in this dialogue which are always measured
at the centre of the Motus unit.
Illustration 46:
Screenshot of Motus
Manager Reset dialogue
Illustration 47: Screenshot of Motus Manager Reference Position
Offsets dialogue