© Advanced Solar Technologies Ltd |
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Limitations and clauses
—required for AS2712:2007 2.9.1
The solar water heater, parts and fittings are usable up to 10 bar pressure / 1000kPA.
The system is made of copper so pool levels of chlorine are not acceptable for use.
For levels of high lime content please check the element in cylinder is incalloy otherwise
Sunshine solar panels are capable of handling poor water quality.
The water heater will be installed in accordance with AS/NZS3500.4 including
insulation and piping.
Copper piping should be used only, throughout install as per attached instructions.
Cylinders to be installed so to allow for draining of system, water expansion and
relief of vacuum as per AS/NZS3500.4.
III Drain trays to be installed as per AS/NZS3500.4, where required.
IV N/a.
In case of hard water buildup of lime may occur on hot areas, ensure element type is
suitable for the water type otherwise softening of water may be required.
The system is designed for level 1 and 2 frost protection, if in areas of long term below
zero temperatures a closed loop system is advised.
Guards to the collectors may be required in areas of vandalism or large hail zones (Sydney).
In areas of cyclonic conditions specific engineering design is required; refer to Installation
Handbook rev B for limitations. Panels weigh 18.8kg/m2 when full of water.
For full installation including roof structure spacing please refer to Engineering Installation
manual, purlin tables etc. Solar to be installed as to not compromise the structural
integrity of the building.
Ensure appropriate fixings per roof type as contained in this manual, for roof types outside
of these then refer to engineering manual otherwise specific engineer design required.
Controller manual to be supplied to customer (which has a boost instruction highlighted).
Controller manual to be supplied with the default (printed settings of the thermostats).
Follow the finishing off instructions contained for commissioning of the system.
Ensure that all systems have an appropriately solar capable tempering valve and this is set
to 55C or 45C for elderly, schools and preschools applications. We recommend a 20mm
+ tempering valve for all low pressure applications.