Port Configuration
Port Number
: (0 - 240) A method of prioritizing how ports are blocked. The value is configured in
multiples of 16 with the highest value being blocked.
Path Cost
: (1 - 200,000,000) RSTP method of ensuring that optimal paths will be selected after a link
failure. The paths are between a transmitting bridge to a receiving bridge. Controls the path cost
incurred by the port. The Auto setting will set the path cost as appropriate by the physical link speed,
using the 802.1D recommended values. Using the Specific setting, a user-defined value can be entered.
The path cost is used when establishing the active topology of the network. Lower path cost ports are
chosen as forwarding ports in favor of higher path cost ports. Valid values are in the range 1 to
Admin P2P
: Some rapid state transactions used within RSTP are dependent upon whether a
particular port can only be connected to exactly one point to point bridge or can be connected to two
or more bridges. This function allows the P2P status of the link to be manipulated administratively.
P2P True - Enabled
P2P False - Disabled
Admin Edge
: Used to define ports as end stations which prevent bridging loops in the network. True
- configures it as an End port
Admin Non STP
: The port includes the STP mathematic calculation.
is not including STP
mathematic calculation,
is including the STP mathematic calculation.
Figure 30. Port Configuration
RSTP Information: Selecting this button provides the following menu of choices: