Without having to press any other button to confirm, the display will automatically save the setting and
exit programming mode.
Pre-chill before your trip. Your fridge will use the most amount of power in the first 24 hours of
operation. The fridge needs to cool down the walls, air and any product that isn’t already down to
temperature. Ideally start loading your fridge 24 - 36 hours before leaving home. If you are setting
temperatures below -12ºC or a dual zone unit as a split fridge / freezer then 36 – 48 hours before your
trip the unit should be running.
Keep good air flow around the fridge, at least 50 mm on all 4 sides of the fridge, and an additional
100mm where the vents of the fridge are located. All the heat from the compressor bay is removed
through these vents, any restriction to this air flow will reduce the cooling performance of the fridge
and increase the power usage.
How full should your fridge be? It comes down to energy; pull energy out of something and it gets
cooler, put energy in and it gets warmer. Think of a kettle, put energy by turning it on, the water gets
hotter, turn the kettle off and energy is released from the water and the water gets cooler. Water vs Air,
water takes around 4 times more energy to cool down compared to air.
Therefore filling a fridge with liquid instead of leaving empty will take noticeably longer to cool down
and use more power. This is one big reason why pre-cooling your fridge is strongly recommended.
But every time you open your fridge, cool air will be pulled out and replaced with warm and moist air.
So initially your empty fridge will get cooler quicker, but anytime you open the lid it will take longer to
get back down to temperature.
The optimum point ends up being around ½ to ¾ full of product. This fills the majority of the fridge
and reduces air lost each time the lid is opened but also leaves enough room for air flow around the
product inside the fridge.
Air flow around products is also important for keeping all the product inside the unit at similar
temperatures and making for a more efficient fridge.
If you tightly pack product, it can take days for the product at the centre to correctly come down to
temperature. This will also have an effect on power usage.