is a calibration that is done once,
using the Site Analyzer’s entire frequency range
100KHz to 450MHz and saved for use with any shorter frequency ranges selected for use. The
advantage of using Broadband Calibration will be that recalibrating the instrument for every change of
frequency will not be needed. It can also include any combination of test leads or adapters, effectively
removing them from the measurements. However, that same test lead / adapter combination MUST
be used with all SWR or RL tests performed when Broadband Calibration is being used. The
disadvantage of using Broadband Calibration is that it will not be as accurate as
Frequency Specific
Frequency Specific Calibration
is performed with any frequency selection or adjustment of the
Start, Stop, Center Frequency or Span. The advantage of Frequency Specific Calibration is it
provides the maximum accuracy possible by the MRI-3000. The disadvantage is that it requires a
recalibration process with any frequency change. Frequency Specific Calibration can be done with
any combination of test leads or adapters, allowing them to be effectively removed from the
measurements. When prompted, apply the terminato
rs (Open, Short and 50Ω Load) to the far-end of
the test lead (if you're using those), or directly to
the instrument’s N connector. If a test lead and/or
adaptor is used, they must remain attached during any measurements at the calibrated frequency
Broadband Calibration Process
Preliminary: To perform this process, first decide if you will be using an adapter, test lead or both.
Remember if you do, that same test lead and/or adapter MUST be used with all measurements
employing the Broadband Calibration.
Second, make sure you have the correct terminators OPEN, SHORT and LOAD with correct gender
to fit either the far-
end of the test lead or the instrument’s N connector.
Press the SWR/RL key to select either measurement type.
Press Mode key and select MORE OPTIONS. Press ENTER.
From the OPTIONS menu, select BROADBAND CAL, press ENTER.
First prompt will be to attach: OPEN. As said previously the open N connector, adapter, or
test lead will suffice. Using an
OPEN Terminator is optional at user’s discretion.
Press ENTER to continue.
Second prompt will be to attach the SHORT Terminator.
When attached press ENTER to continue
The l
ast prompt will be to attach the LOAD. Normally this will be a 50 Ω load supplied with the
instrument or purchased locally.
When attached press ENTER to continue and end the Broadband calibration process. The MRI-
3000 will save the Broadband calibration, set the calibration mode to BROADBAND, and return
to the SWR/RL Measurement screen. You now select the frequency (via the FREQ key), and
attach the device to be tested. The SWR/RL key switches between SWR and Return Loss.
Frequency Specific Calibration Process
Preliminary: To perform this process, first decide if you will be using an adapter or test lead or both.
Remember if you do, that same test lead and/or adapter MUST be used with all measurements
employing the Frequency Specific Calibration.
Second, make sure you have the correct terminators OPEN, SHORT and LOAD with correct gender
to fit either the far-
end of the test lead, adapter or the instrument’s N connector.
If not already in Frequency Specific Calibration mode, press Mode Menu key. Otherwise