Entering instructions
The protocol format is as follows
Command <SP> parameter <CR>
The space character <SP> separates commands from parameters and the <CR> character acts as
command line terminator.
For commands without parameter values (e.g. GT ) the <SP> character and parameter values are
omitted. The command line is as short as this:
Command <CR>
Incorrect instruction / error codes
If a command is not entered correctly, the reader sends one of the following error codes:
wrong instruction:
<NAK> #00 <CR>
wrong value
<NAK> #02 <CR>
EEPROM error:
<NAK> #03 <CR>
inputbuffer overflow:
<NAK> #05 <CR>
wrong mode for instruction:
<NAK> #07 <CR>
Upper and lower case
The instructions set isn’t case sensitive.