"Long Fresh" Cooling
By selecting the SET temperature of 0 °C or +2 °C this appliance can be
used as a "Long Fresh" cooling unit.
The "Long Fresh" cooling process enables optimum storage conditions
for fresh foodstuff. The foodstuff remains fresh up to three times
longer in comparison to storage in normal refrigerators.
• Commodities suitable for "Long Fresh" cooling are:
– meat and sausages
– fresh poultry
– fresh fish
– milk, butter, curd cheese
– berries, fruits and vegetables
– salads, mushrooms.
• Foodstuff unsuitable for "long fresh" cooling are:
– coldness-sensitive fruits, e.g. bananas, papayas, passion fruits, avo-
cados and citrus fruits;
– coldness-sensitive vegetables, e.g. paprika, cucumber, zucchini,
egg-plants, potatoes and tomatoes;
– Fruits and vegetables, which should still ripe, e.g. pears.
• Pack all foodstuffs prior to "long fresh" cooling. Thus, the aroma, the
moisture and the colour is retained longer.
• The following are suited for packaging:
– Airtight bags and foils made of polyethylene
– Closable plastic containers
– aluminium foil.
"Standard" Cooling
By selecting the SET temperature in the range of +5 °C, this appliance
can be used as a normal refrigerator.
• Foodstuff should always be covered or packed in the cool room, in
order to prevent drying out and odour or taste transmission to other
cooled foodstuffs.
• The following are suited for packaging:
– Airtight bags and foils made of polyethylene
– Plastic container with cover
– Special hoods made of plastic with rubber bandaluminium foil.
Cooling drinks
By selecting the SET-Temperature up to +16 °C, the appliance can per-
fectly be used as a cooling unit for drinks.