Data Loggers
End Time -
if the recording is of a Start/Stop type.
Time Remaining -
amount of time remaining for the current recording
session (if one is active).
Recording Mode -
Start/Stop, FIFO or XRM.
Storage Rate -
the time between storage of sample sets.
Database Status:
Open or closed state of a database into which real-time measure-
ments are to be or being stored.
Default Frequency:
Displays the default frequency.
Time Read from Sentinel:
Displays the time as indicated by the Sentinel
internal clock.
Battery Charge:
Main battery -
voltage of the main battery.
Lithium Battery Charge -
level of the lithium backup battery.
Lithium Battery Minimum Acceptable Level -
this is the voltage at
which the backup battery can still provide backup protection. If the
lithium battery falls below this level then it should be replaced.
Number of Stored Recording Sessions -
indicates the number of
sessions (including the active one) stored within the instrument.
Capacity -
total amount of memory available for recorded data.
Used -
amount of recording memory currently used.