The PFX 4Mod adapts the DMX signals from the
PFX controller to conform to the DMX implemen-
tation of the lighting units listed in this manual.
Additioanlly, the performance styles of the PFX can
be assigned to these lights directly from the 4Mod
without the need to change their Start Addresses.
Connect the DMX BLACKBIRD PFX edition as per
its instructions and then follow these:
1. Plug in your 4MOD’s power adapter to an AC outlet and
the plug to the DC power jack on the module (labeled 5V).
Only use the supplied power adapter or 5V equivalent.
2. Using a standard 3-pin DMX cable, connect the DMX
OUT jack on the PFX to the PFX IN jack of the 4MOD unit.
3. Connect the MOD OUT jack of the 4MOD unit to
the DMX input jack of the first lighting fixture in your
chain. Configure your fixture’s DMX settings to the
appropriate Channel Mode and Start Addresses accord-
ing the charts on the back of this manual.
4. The DMX THRU jack provides an unmodified DMX
signal from the PFX to control lighting units supported
natively by the PFX.
To work with the PFX and the PFX 4Mod, your light-
ing fixture needs to be set to the correct Channel Mode
and Start Address. Refer to the owners manual for your
lighting fixture to learn how to set them. The charts on
the back of this sheet tell you the values they should be
set to in order to receive the correct DMX signals.
In addition to the specific fixtures listed, any standard
par light with the correct DMX implementation can be
used. Note that in order to take full advantage of the
Static and Dynamic Banks performance styles, you need
4 or more standard fixtures with at least one set to each
of the four Start Addresses listed.
PFX 4Mod
The PFX edition has four Performance Styles; All-in-
one, Static Banks, Dynamic Banks, and Non-Reactive.
Full descriptions of the Styles are found in the PFX
Manual. Lighting fixtures connected to the PFX are as-
signed to a Performance Style by setting each light to a
specific Start Address. Lights connected to the 4Mod
are assigned a specific Start Address and the styles are
accessed by selecting them on the 4MOD:
1. Press the SELECT button to choose the performance
style. A green led light indicates the style chosen.
2. To save the style so it becomes default through power
cycling, press the SAVE button.
In the event that the PFX or 4Mod do not function properly
or as expected, please ensure everything is properly con-
nected and configured. Some lighting fixtures feature dim-
ming curves which must be turned off or set to ‘linear’ in
order for the light to work properly with the PFX.
1. If a green LED is lit on the 4Mod, power is reaching
the unit. Never use a power supply greater than 5v.
2. Put the 4Mod in “non-reactive” mode, do the color
knobs on the PFX work as expected? If so, the problem
may be Audio related.
3. If the knobs cause your light to work but the colors
don’t correspond to the knobs, or you get your fixtures
various macros or strobe, your fixture is likely set to the
wrong DMX Mode and/or Start Address.