Before the heat pump can be installed, the following prerequisites must be fulfilled by the customer:
1. Electrical connections have been made in accordance with local public utility regulations,
including the necessary fuses.
2. The electrical wiring between the on-site components, including the data line, has been fully and
continuously produced.
3. The heat pump is connected on the source side and the sink side. Strainer and pipe network
are installed. The connected circuits are filled and vented.
4. Signal line for releasing the WP by the AWN is routed accordingly and connected to the AWN.
5. General basic requirements at the installation site such as sufficient lighting, power supply,
accessibility, etc., are guaranteed.
6. External services that must be provided by other specialist companies, such as MSR, ventilation,
etc., must be available during commissioning.
7. Sufficient heating load (min. 50%) is permanently available during installation to enable the heat
pump and its safety device to be checked.
8. Information on the adjacent hydraulic losses of the brine pipeline (AWN circuit) is available.
1. System check (visual inspection), e.g. checking on-site services, etc.
2. Check the factory-set control parameters and adjust to local conditions.
3. Connect the external WP release by the AWN (input 8).
4. Connect the potential-free fault signal (output 13) to the BMS.
5. Adjust the energy efficiency pump for the AWN brine circuit to the hydraulic losses.
6. Electrical test of the supply, control and electrically acting safety devices in dry operation (without
compressor operation).
7. Refrigeration test of safety devices such as high-pressure/low-pressure devices.
8. Start up the heat pump and log the measured data (temperatures, pressures, current consumption
of all consumers).
9. Leak test according to Regulation (EC) No. 842/2006 of the cooling circuit(s) by means of suitable
measuring instruments or suitable measuring methods. Document the inspection.
10. Instruct the operator or a representative. Instruction is given with regard to the operation of the
heat pump, the function of the safety devices and behaviour in the event of accidents or faults.