6. Gather the following items for installing the
rudder servo:
2 - Rudder servos
2 - 3” Double Output Servo Arms
8 - Servo Mounting Screws (Micro Fastener
Part number
1 - 11” “y” Harness
2 - Aeroworks Safety Clips
2 - 1 1/2” pushrod couplers
4 - 4-40 ball link assemblies
4 - 4-40 Lock Nuts
4 - Flat washer
7. Attach Y harness to rudder servos as shown be-
low. Use an Aeroworks safety clip to secure the
8. Install rudder servos, out put shafts facing
forward, with servo mounting screws.
9. Install the servo arms to servos as shown below.
Assemble rudder coupler pushrods and adjust
pushrod length to fit between servo arms.