– English –
Replacing the burner hoses
Prior to replacing the burner hoses, you can completely drain the re-
turn line and the float chamber.
In addition to draining the filter cup as described above, open
the bypass valve with a hex key, spanner size SW 3.
The oil is drained via the float chamber into the filter cup and via
the drain valve.
Replace the burner hoses.
Close the bypass valve and the drain valve.
Repairs may only be performed by specially trained, qualified staff.
Table 6: Troubleshooting
Possible reason
Heavy oil foam in
the float chamber
due to excessive
amounts of air
sucked in (in excess
of the possible sep-
aration capacity of
> 4 l/h).
Suction line not tight
Perform a tightness test of
the suction line (vacuum test
or pressure test).
Screw connections at the
suction side not tight
Seal the screw connections
Initial commissioning with-
out separate suction pump
Use suction pump
Suction line rating too great
Observe DIN 4755-2: Flow
rate 0.2-0.5 m/s
Burner switches off
at irregular intervals
due to malfunctions
Air accumulations in the
suction line because pipe
cross section is too great.
When the anti-siphon valve
opens after the pre-
aeration time of the burner,
a greater bubble may pass
through which causes the
burner to switch off.