Agilaire 8872 Manual
Chapter 2 Configuration
Time On-Line and Multi-Condition TOL (Time Online) channels
allow the data logger to
record when a process or generating unit is online for CEM reporting purposes. The resultant
‘average’ is typically a count of the base intervals (e.g., base average = 0 or 1, hourly averages
range from 0-60, counting the number of online minutes, etc).
The basic Time On-Line channel allows the user to define an “Online Input” (status input
pattern of physical and/or pseudo-inputs). When that pattern is seen as true, the TOL channel
counts the process as on.
The Multi-Condition Time On-Line channel allows a more complex definition of up to three
conditions, each of which can be a status input or a threshold of a channel value, for example:
“Flame On” (status input #01) is true (closed) AND
“Fuel Flow” (Modbus channel #7) is > 4 gallons/minute AND
“Stack Temperature” (analog input #7) is > 300 degF.