Agilent 55B AA Spectrometer User’s Guide
9514 Instrument signal saturation
The instrument signal reached saturation on one or more signal values. Either the
signal went below -0.3 Abs or went too high (above 130%) in a Flame Emission
Suggested action:
Re-optimize the instrument (or, for a Flame Emission method, redo
9517 Low HC lamp energy
Low hollow cathode lamp energy.
The instrument Gain had been raised to its highest value but the hollow cathode
lamp signal was too low.
Possible causes include:
Hollow cathode lamp misaligned.
The light path is obstructed.
Faulty hollow cathode lamp.
The lamp position in the method is incorrect.
9518 High HC lamp energy
High hollow cathode lamp energy.
The instrument Gain had been set to its lowest value but the hollow cathode lamp
signal was too high.
Possible causes include:
Hollow cathode lamp misaligned.
Faulty hollow cathode lamp.
Faulty PMT or circuits.
The lamp was in the wrong position when the instrument was optimized.
9524 Low BC lamp energy
Low Background Corrector (D
) lamp energy.
Possible causes include: