Agilent X-Series Signal Generators SCPI Command Reference
System Commands
Calibration Subsystem (:CALibration)
The I/Q DC adjustment is dependent upon a number of instrument settings. If any of the instrument
settings change, the adjustment will become invalid. The dependent instrument settings are:
RF frequency
I/Q attenuation level
Baseband generator settings
I/Q polarity settings
Baseband filter settings
I/Q calibration (the I/Q DC calibration will be invalidated if any other I/Q calibration is executed
or if the
Revert to Factory Default
key is pressed)
Temperature (±5 degrees Celsius)
I/Q Off On
set to On
I/Q Correction Optimized Path
(must be set to
RF Output
). Refer to
“:DM:CORRection:OPTimization” on
page 26
I/Q Source
(must be set to
). Refer to
“:DM:SOURce” on page 37
The following instrument states will not invalidate the I/Q DC calibration:
Power level changes
I/Q Impairments
Key Entry
Execute Cal
Calibration Type User Full
set to DC)
This command will restore the original factory calibration data for the internal I/Q modulator.
Key Entry
Revert to Default Cal Settings
N5172B with Option 653 or 655, N5182B with Option 656 or 657
This command performs an adjustment to the I/Q offset, gain and quadrature for the full–frequency
range (regardless of the start and stop frequency settings) and stores the results in the signal
generator’s firmware.
This calibration should be run when the ambient temperature has varied by at least ±5 degrees
Celsius from the ambient temperature at which the previous calibration was run.
Key Entry
Execute Cal
Calibration Type User Full
set to Full)
Start and stop frequencies will default to the full frequency range of the signal