Agilent Technologies E5500 Phase Noise Measurement System
Absolute Measurement Examples
RF Synthesizer using DCFM
Selecting Loop
1. From the Define menu, choose Measurement; then choose the Cal tab
from the Define Measurement window.
2. In the Cal dialog box, check Verify calculated phase locked loop
suppression and Always Show Suppression Graph. Select If limit is
exceeded: Show Loop Suppression Graph.
3. When you have completed these operations, click the Close button
Setup Considerations
for the RF Synthesizer
using DCFM
Measurement Noise Floor
The signal amplitude at the R input (Signal Input) port on the
Agilent/HP 70420A sets the measurement noise floor level. Use the
following graph to determine the amplitude required to provide a noise floor
level that is below the expected noise floor of your UUT.