MEMory Subsystem
MEMory:TABLe:FREQuency <numeric_value>{,<numeric_value>}
EPM-P Series Power Meters Programming Guide
MEMory:TABLe:FREQuency <numeric_value>{,<numeric_value>}
This command is used to enter frequency data into the current selected
table. Any previous frequency list is cleared before the new frequencies
are stored. The frequencies must be entered in ascending order. Entries in
the frequency lists correspond as shown with entries in the
calibration/offset factor lists. Note, that for sensor calibration tables only,
the first calibration factor entered using the
command is used as the reference calibration factor.
For sensor calibration tables (8480 Series power sensors and N8480 Series
sensors with Option CFT only), the number of frequency points must be
one less than the number of calibration factor points. This is verified when
the sensor calibration table is selected using
SENSe:CORRection:CSET:SELect <string>
Ensure that the frequency points you use cover the frequency range of the
signals that you want to measure. If you measure a signal with a
frequency outside the frequency range defined in the table, then the power
meter uses the highest or lowest point in the table to calculate the
calibration factor/offset.
Depending on available memory, the power meter is capable of storing 20
sensor calibration tables and 10 frequency dependent offset tables, each
containing 80 points.
Calibration Factor/Offset
Reference Calibration Factor
(For Sensor Calibration Tables)
Frequency 1
Calibration Factor/Offset 1
Frequency 2
Calibration Factor/Offset 2
Frequency 80
Calibration Factor/Offset 80
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