Appendix F. Error Messages
HP-IB Messages
Syntax error.
The command or data could not be recognized.
Invalid separator.
The parser was expecting a separator (for example, a semicolon (;)
between commands) but did not find one.
Data type error.
The parser was expecting one data type, but found another (for
example, was expecting a string, but received numeric data).
GET not allowed.
A Group Execute Trigger was received within a program message
(see IEEE 488.2, 7.7)
Parameter not allowed.
More parameters were received for a command than were expected.
Missing parameter.
Fewer parameters were received than the command requires.
Command header error.
A command header is the mnemonic part of the command (the part
not containing parameter information). This error shows that the
parser has found an error in the command header but cannot be
more specific.
Header separator error.
A character that is not a valid separator was encountered.
Program mnemonic too long.
The program mnemonic must be 12 characters or shorter.
Undefined header.
This header is not defined for use with the instrument.
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