Step 4: Install the Module
Removing the card retainer
1. Remove the screw (A) in the figure.
2. Withdraw the card retainer.
Installing the card retainer (if not previously fitted)
1. Slide the card retainer onto the fan module and fit screw (A) to the top of the retainer.
Reversing the orientation of the fan assembly
1. Remove the 4 screws (B) nearest to the front of the fan unit.
2. Slide the fan unit approximately 15 mm to the rear until it clears the circuit board, disconnect the power
cables, and rotate the fan unit by 180°.
3. Reconnect the power cables.
4. Slide the fan unit back towards the module until it is fully seated into the locating slots.
5. Refit the 4 screws, push the fan unit upwards away from the circuit board and tighten the four screws (0.5
Nm torque).
U5309A Startup Guide