Chapter 3. Site Preparation
Installation Planning Guide
01-999021-00 A0100
3.5 Compressed Nitrogen Gas
During operation of the variable temperature accessory, a compressed nitrogen gas supply
(from a cylinder or a fixed line) is required. The gas must be dry, oil-free, magnetically
clean (e.g., free of rust), and have a dew point of –193
F (–80
). The flow and pressure
rates through the regulators are the same as those listed for the compressed air supply.
3.6 Telephone and Internet Access
Varian recommends a regular voice telephone line located near the spectrometer. This
telephone would enable the spectrometer operator to discuss the spectrometer as it operates.
In addition to the voice telephone, Varian strongly recommends that internet access be
provided during and after system installation. By providing external access to the
spectrometer, technical problems can be quickly analyzed by the engineering and scientific
staff at Palo Alto. After the system is installed, applications-related questions can be
answered in real time by Varian’s NMR applications people. As a matter of policy, Varian
provides online support during installation and during the warranty period.
If direct access to the internet is not technically feasible, a high-quality analog telephone
line can be used. Varian will provide a high-speed modem during the system installation.
If internal security policies preclude ready modem or internet access to the spectrometer,
contact Varian’s installation department for a list of technical options, which might satisfy
security concerns.
3.7 Air Conditioning
The air conditioning system requires a power line separate from the spectrometer. Include
total heat dissipation from the spectrometer when calculating air conditioner capacity.
will help determine air conditioning requirements. A filter on the intake and
special air filtration is required in installations that are exposed to corrosive gases, salt air,
or unusual dirt or dust conditions.
Table 13. Air Conditioning Requirements
200-, 300-, or 400-MHz MERCURY-VX without options
Sun host computer, monitor, peripherals
SMS Autosampler
Total of all other options and accessories