AGRETO AgriCounter Drive
© AGRETO electronics GmbH
Working with the device
The AgriCounter Drive permanently shows the results of the summation or
calculation depending on the mode, operation for reading is not provided. The
display is updated approximately every 5 seconds.
Reading the area
(mode 2A, 2B)
The sum of the counted area in hectares is
displayed with 2 decimal places, and the ha
symbol lights up.
Reading the distance
(mode 2C, 2D)
The total of the counted distance in
kilometers is displayed with 2 decimal
places, and the km symbol lights up.
Reading the revolutions
(mode 2E, 2F)
The sum of the counted revolutions is
displayed, the symbol with the rotary arrow
and the x light up.
Reading the speed
(mode 2G)
The current speed is displayed with 2
decimal places, and the km and h symbols
light up.