AGRETO AgriCounter Drive
© AGRETO electronics GmbH
If necessary, you can change the display to decimal hours, here the comma is
used as separator.
Parameter LOSP – Low speed
(modes 2E, 2F)
This parameter can be used to switch to a special counting method at low
speeds for calculating the number of revolutions.
0 = normal calculation mode (default)
1 = low speed calculation mode
Set the parameter to 1 if the counter rotates slower than approximately one
revolution per minute.
Zeroing the counter
To reset the counter, press and hold all 3 buttons together for 3 seconds. When
released, all totals are set to 0.
Only start with the assembly once you have clarified whether a change in the
configuration is necessary for your application. Please read the chapter
"Configuration" before.
Positioning of the meter
Fort he accurate counting process the AgriCounter Drive must rotate depending
to the path. It must be mounted directly on the rim of a wheel or on another
path-dependent rotating part. The number of revolutions should be between 5
and 200 per minute during operation.
The meter must be aligned so that:
- the underside of the meter (the side opposite the label) points approximately
towards the center of the axis of rotation
- the front of the meter is approximately parallel to the plane of rotation
- the meter is mounted as close as possible to the center in order to reduce
centrifugal forces