Mill to the desired degree of fineness in one process (except when
processing large, hard kernels such as corn).
A second re-milling can result in the grain input funnel becoming
blocked and will not give satisfactory milling results.
Salzburger grain mill will give you powder fine and flaky flour in one milling
During the milling process the flexibly mounted milling stones will be pressed
slightly apart and will therefore run both quietly and smoothly.
Never let the mill run in idle mode.
Correct Milling:
Place a suitably large container under the flour spout.
Turn the mill on – you will hear the noise of the motor.
Turn the adjustment knob until you hear the slight sound of the stones
grinding against each other.
Turn the adjustment knob a little coarser – so that the stones no longer grind
against each other.
Fill the desired amount of grain into the hopper.
Now correct the degree of fineness of the grain - either coarser in the
anti-clockwise direction - or finer in the clockwise direction.