4. Introduction
The data logger
2690-8 is a new instrument from the unique pro-
duct range of measuring devices that are all equipped with the ALMEMO
connector system, which has been patented by Ahlborn GmbH. The intelligent
connector provides important advantages with regard to the
connection of sensors and peripherals as all parameters are stored in an EE-
PROM within the connector. As a result, the programming that usually has to
be performed for the connection is not required. All sensors and output modu-
les can be connected to all ALMEMO
measuring devices in the same way.
The operation and programming is identical with all units. Therefore, all of the
measuring system items listed below are described, in detail, in a
separate ALMEMO
manual that is supplied with every device:
Detailed description of the ALMEMO
system (manual section 1)
Overview of the device functions and measuring ranges (manual section 2)
All sensors with basic principles, operation, technical data (man. section 3)
The options for connecting existing sensors (manual section 4)
All analog and digital output modules (manual section 5.1)
The interface module RS232, fiber optics, Centronics (manual section 5.2)
The entire ALMEMO
networking system (manual section 5.3)
All functions and their control via the interface (manual section 6)
A complete interface command list with all print outputs (manual section 7)
These operating instructions only cover features and controls that are specific
for a certain device. As a result, many sections will often provide a note
referring to the more detailed description within the manual (man. sect. x.x.x).
4.1 Function Range of the ALMEMO 2690-8
2690-8 data logger has 5 electrically isolated measuring inputs
for all ALMEMO
sensors. Over 20 channels in the sensor connectors and 4
device internal function channels with more than 70 measuring ranges are pro-
vided with unlimited measuring possibilities. The device can be operated by
means of the LCD graphic display and a softkey keypad with cursor block.
User menus can be configured to adapt the display for any application. The
data logger function is carried out by a real time clock and a 512kB EEPROM
memory for approximately 100000 measured values. Two output sockets allow
for connecting any ALMEMO
output modules, for example, the analogue out-
put, digital interface, trigger input or alarm contacts. Several devices can be
networked by simply connecting them with network cables.
4.1.1 Sensor Programming
The measuring channels are automatically programmed by the ALMEMO
8 ALMEMO 2690-8