Display control keys
There are five main screens which are selected by the keys. The selected key is illuminated.
(Home) displays all four outputs simultaneously,
(Menu) provides access to advanced functions,
(O/P n) show more detailed information for each individual output.
Note: If an output is disabled, an error beep will occur and the output screen is unavailable.
Voltage or current can be set using the numeric keypad.
Upon pressing a numeric key, the OK key will start to flash. When the numeric value entry is
completed, pressing OK causes the value to be accepted and actioned. Entry can be
abandoned at any point by pressing ESC (Escape). The new value being entered is shown
directly below the meters in a smaller font size.
Entry is in volts or amps to a resolution of 0.001 volts and 0.0001 amps for 16V and 35V
ranges, and 0.01 volts and 0.001 amps for 70V range.
Entries need only to be completed as far as the desired digit of resolution, e.g. to enter
5.000 volts it is only necessary to enter 5 followed by OK.
Lock key
The front panel can be “locked” such that the power supply will not respond to any key presses.
This is in order to prevent accidental changes to settings.
Note: Individual output screens and the home screen can still be viewed, but not edited.
The Lock key disables the front panel. This is indicated by the key being illuminated in green.
Once locked any key press creates a warning message on the display. To unlock the front
panel, press and hold the Lock key for more than one second.
For additional security it is also possible to lock the front panel using a pass-code. This is
explained in Advanced Functions section 8.5.
Spin wheel
Voltage or current can alternatively be set using the spin wheel. The spin wheel is disabled by
default but can be enabled by pressing the key below it which toggles its action on or off. When
enabled the key is illuminated. The spin wheel changes the output settings immediately, no OK
confirmation is required.
The spin wheel has a non-linear action. If it is moved slowly the value is incremented in
minimum steps
(1mV/0.1mA for 16V and 35V ranges, or 10mV/0.1mA for 70V range). When
the spin wheel is rotated more rapidly the rate of increment is increased enabling the value to
be changed quickly.
The action of the spin wheel can be changed from System Preferences to reduce the speed-
related increment rate if preferred. Three choices are available: Normal (default), Reduced
acceleration, or Single Digit Increment.
Making changes is described in section 9.3.
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