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Changing System Preferences
Menu > System Preferences
Access to System Preferences is
selected from the main system
menu. A listing of system
preferences is shown.
The current system preferences are
indicated by ticks against the
relevant setting. Changes are made
by moving the highlight with either the arrow keys or the spin wheel and pressing the Select soft
Alternatively, a line can be selected directly by entering the two digit number from the keypad.
9.1 Status at Power-up
Outputs at power up / Settings at power up
At power-up the default behaviour is for all the outputs to be set to Off. However, the user can
change this default setting such that the outputs are restored to their condition when the
instrument was powered down.
The default behaviour also returns the settings (set volts, set current, range etc.) to those that
existed at power-down. This can be changed so that the settings are always at factory defaults
(see section
Error! Reference source not found.
). This includes all outputs being set to Off.
9.2 Alert Sound (Beep)
Set beep / Disable beep
An alert sounder is incorporated that produces a “beep” under specific conditions.
By default, a beep will be sounded when an illegal key entry is made, or when a trip condition
occurs. This can be disabled if preferred.
It is also possible for a beep to be sounded whenever an output changes into constant current
(CC) mode. This is disabled by default.
9.3 Spin wheel Function
Spin wheel function
The function of the spin wheel can be changed to reduce the speed-related increment rate.
Three choices are available: normal (default), reduced acceleration, or single digit increment.