11.1.6 – Shift Lights, Alarms and Output Signals
Alarms and digital output configuration
Push "Shift Lights and Alarms" tab.
At the very first configuration you are asked to configure an alarm with this panel.
Here you can define the condition to meet
and the action to perform. In the example
below when water temperature is higher
than 90°C and RPM value is higher than
6000 LED1 starts blinking continuously
with a red light, a text message "Water" on
a red background is shown on the display
and the circuit is closed to ground until the
condition is no longer met.
You can also decide LED blinking frequency
and colour, message text, background co-
lour and duration time, action to perform
and alarm ending condition.
Moreover you can decide if the action is to
be performed when all conditions occur or
when any of them does.
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