This AP or SSID name is unique for your device.
An example of name is
is the prefix of all AiM devices.
is the device identifier.
is your device serial number assigned by the factory.
To make your device more recognizable you can add a name to the SSID. with the limit of eight characters. Allowed characters
are all letters, capital too, all digits and these characters:
+ - _ () [] {}!.
type can be used provided that it is not the first one because it can cause incomprehension in some Windows versions.
If, for example, you
add the driver’s name
, Tom Wolf, the network name (SSID) becomes
AiM-MYC5-660-201504-Tom Wolf
Once all parameters set click
. MyChron5 660 reboots and is configured with the new parameters. If MyChron5 660 is
protected by a password, as recommended, RaceStudio3 will ask that password to authenticate.
Please Note
: the same Wi-Fi connection can be created with the operative system tool.