Air Cleaner profiSteril, UV sterilizátor vzduchu / UV air sterilizer
bjednací číslo / SKU: OST30100 profiSteril 100 / OST30200 profiSteril 200 / OST30300 profiSteril 300
CZ / SK / EN
The device uses a fan to suck ambient air into a special chamber equipped with a UV-C germicidal light source. UV-C radiation
then irradiates viruses, bacteria and fungi in the flowing air and they are completely killed. The intensity of the UV-C lamp and the
time during which the air remains in the disinfection chamber is chosen so that the air discharged from the device is practically
free of microorganisms. Lamp life is approx. 8000 hours. Thanks to the circulation in the room, the air is cleaned every 6 hours
(depending on the model of the device and the floor area).
UGO (ultraviolet germicidal irradiation) is a disinfection method that uses short-wavelength UV-C ultraviolet radiation to eliminate
microorganisms by destroying nucleic acids and disrupting their DNA - left them unable to perform vital cellular functions. It has
been found that the wavelength range from 250 nm to 270 nm is the radiation with the highest germicidal efficiency. The germicidal
effect of UV-C radiation is the absorption of UV radiation energy by nucleic acids and proteins. The absorbed energy induces
chemical reactions in the cell nuclei and thus destroys microorganisms. TÜV certified lamps used in the profiSteril emit maximum
of their germicidal energy in the range of 250 to 270 nm.
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is part of an electromagnetic spectrum similar to X-rays, radio waves, or visible light. For practical
purposes, UV radiation is divided into three range types:
radiation (400-315 nm) is contained in the radiant energy from the sun. Activates photochemical and pigmentation
processes. Its erythemal effect is not important.
radiation (315
–280 nm) is mainly used in therapy. It produces provitamin D and causes pigmentation and erythema effect
(reddening of the skin).
radiation (280
–100 nm) has a strong germicidal and embryocidal effect. May cause skin burning (erythema effect) and
conjunctivitis (conjunctive effect). UV-C radiation can be produced in germicidal lamps by passing an electric arc through low-
pressure mercury steam (germicidal radiators). Radiation with a wavelength below 200 nm creates ozone in the air. To prevent
this harmful effect, the TÜV-certified germicidal lamps used in our devices are enclosed in a bulb made of special quartz glass,
which has a high transmittance for germicidal radiation. It also absorbs unwanted UV radiation at a wavelength below 200 nm.
Immediately after unpacking the air sterilizer, check the contents of the package and the supplied accessories. If
the device is damaged during transport or the delivery is incomplete, contact your dealer immediately. If you find damage to the
shipping container, notify the carrier immediately and document any damage to the box or device itself. Save the original
packaging and padding for possible further transport or storage of the device. In the event of a complaint or return of goods, the
device must be delivered in the original packaging.
If the device has been exposed to significant temperature changes (eg during transport or storage), allow the device to acclimatize
to room temperature after unpacking. Sudden changes in temperature can cause water vapor to condense inside the unit and
damage it when connected.
The label on the back of the air sterilizer shows the connection values of the device power supply. Check that the mains voltage
corresponds to the specifications of the air sterilizer. If the device is connected to the mains with a voltage other than that specified
on the device, permanent damage to the power supply or the entire device may occur. Do not connect the device to the mains
using an unstable voltage source or dimmer.
Only connect the air sterilizer to a protected and grounded electrical circuit.
Risk of electric shock or fire!
This air sterilizer is designed to be hung, placed on a solid surface or installed on a stand. Use the recommended accessories for
safe installation. When hanging the product, secure the secondary safety sling (chain, cable, etc.) with the appropriate load
capacity. The delivery includes a wall mounting kit.
Recommended accessories:
Air Cleaner furniture stand for profiSteril (order number OST30010)
Air Cleaner stand for profiSteril (order number OST30020)
Air Cleaner chain mounting kit for suspension (order number OST30030)
Air Cleaner cable mounting kit for suspension (order number OST30040)
Please observe the relevant local standards and safety regulations during installation! Only an authorized and
qualified technician or dealer may install the device!