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With the transmitter powered and the battery plugged into 
the AirCore Module, walk 50’ [15m] from the aircraft and 

check the control functions for proper and smooth operation.


Take off (or hand launch) directly into the wind.

Hand launch with throttle set at ¾ power, wings level and 
with a slight toss (it is not necessary to aggressively throw 
this model to hand launch it).

Once in the air, gain altitude to allow yourself suffi cient 
reaction time to make a correction during fl ight.

Once you’re comfortable, adjust the aileron, elevator 
and rudder trims one click at a time so that the AirCore 
P-51 Mustang fl ies straight and level with the control 
sticks centered.

You will quickly notice that the P-51 Mustang has the feel 

of a larger R/C airplane. The airplane requires only small 
amounts of control stick movement to fl y smoothly.

It’s recommended that you attempt to land before the motor 
loses power and doesn’t have enough voltage to maintain 
altitude. If you have a timer on your transmitter, set it for 

4-minutes for the fi rst couple of fl ights. Then, gradually 

increase the fl ight time to fi t your fl ying style. Allow at 
least an extra 1-minute of fl ight time to allow for a second 
attempt at landing.

If possible, always land directly into the wind.

Gradually reduce power when you are close to the landing 

spot. When close to the ground and about to touch down, 
pull the elevator stick back slightly to raise the nose of the 
model and slow the landing speed to “fl air” for landing.

Unplug and remove the battery from the model and 
switch off the transmitter. Allow the motor to cool 

between flights.


Repairs can be made to the AirCore P-51 Mustang by using 
the following items:

  Formula ‘560’ Canopy Glue (highly recommended)


  Thick Foam Safe CA (for quick fi eld repairs) 


  Foam safe CA accelerator (GPMR6035)

  Two sets of needle nose pliers or hemostats 


  Hobby Knife (#11 blade) (RMXR6900)

  Electric Flyer Hinge Tape (DUBQ0916)


To order replacement parts for the AirCore P-51 

Mustang Cathy II, use the order numbers in the list 
below. Replacement parts are available only as listed. 
Replacement parts are not available from Product Support, 
but can be purchased from hobby shops or mail order/
Internet order fi rms. If you need assistance locating a 
dealer to purchase parts from, contact:

Product Support 

Phone: 217-398-0007




        Stock No.    Description

  FLZA6404  AirCore P-51 Cathy II Spinner

  FLZA6415  AirCore P-51 Cathy II Fuselage

  FLZA6419  AirCore P-51 Cathy II Wing

  FLZA6423  AirCore P-51 Cathy II Hatch

  FLZA6426  AirCore P-51 Landing Gear

  FLZA6427  AirCore Airframe Push Rod Set

  FLZA6428  AirCore Hardware Set
