Step 7:
Assembling the front bar
Parts required:
2 x Spreaders
1 x Joiner
Place the spreaders on the ground. Insert the 2 spreaders into each end of the joiner to make one long
bar. Place each end of the bar into the ends of the arms.
Step 8:
Lifting and lowering the frame: lift the front bar
evenly from the
slightly past horizontal
until you heard both struts click and engage.
Gently release the front bar. To disengage the
struts and lower the frame, lift the bar evenly
from the
until both struts click and lower
the frame.
Please note
: if the front bar is lifted in an
uneven manner, both struts will not engage. If
this happens, reset by disengaging the strut and
lower the frame. Start the process again, making
sure to place your hands directly in the
and lifting evenly.
Do not continue to lift the bar past the engaging point (struts clicking) as this will break the
strut mechanism and a new strut will be needed at the cost of the consumer.