The ionizing wires in the charging section of the
electronic cell may break or become damaged.
Inspect the cell from the upstream side after
washing to make sure that none of the wires are
broken or out of position. During operation, a
broken or deformed wire generally causes a short
to ground, possibly with visible arcing or sparking.
This condition, or any other short in the ionizing
section of the cell, will cause the indicator light to
go out.
Broken wires must be replaced for the air cleaner
to function effectively without arcing. Remove all
parts of the broken wire. If necessary, the cell may
be temporarily used with one wire missing.
1. Use care to avoid damage to the spring
connector or other parts of the cell during the
2. Hook one end of the ionizing wire over the
spring connector at one end of the cell.
3. Hold the opposite eyelet with a needle-nose
pliers and stretch the wire the length of the
cell. Depress the opposite spring connector
and hook the eyelet over it (see Figure 18 for
a reference).
Figure 18: Ionizer Wire Replacement
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