Last update: 2020/12/07 10:49
Printed on 2020/12/07 15:07
more economical to fly at lower indicated airspeeds at a fixed economical mach number (ECON
Mach). At the crossover altitude the autopilot therefor automatically transitions from a speed target to
a Mach target. SPEED becomes MACH.
The button SPD/MACH allows you to manually switch between the Mach and speed reference after
pulling out the speed knob for the selected speed mode.
Heading/Track Vertical-Speed/Flight-Path-Angle Toggle
The HDG/TRK VS/FPA button switches between a heading and vertical speed reference (where the
nose is pointing at and how fast you climb or descent) over to a track and flight path angle reference
(where you're actually flying with the wind and at what angle you climb or descent).
The TRK+FPA mode is useful during an approach where you have a bit of crosswind and instead of
calculating how much you need to point the nose into the wind to fly where you want to, you just tell
the autopilot where you want to fly to in track mode. It automatically compensates the cross wind and
keeps the aircraft flying in the same direction.
Metric Altitude Toggle
The METRIC ALT button displays the selected altitude in meters on the primary flight display (PFD) as
well as on the bottom of the lower ECAM. In some countries like Russia and China the air traffic