2020/12/07 15:07
Airbus A320-214
Aerofly FS Wiki - https://www.aerofly.com/dokuwiki/
In the navigation menu delete any previous flight plan. You can also delete the flight plan from within
the MCDU by pressing the CLR key and then deleting the FROM/TO field on the INIT page A.
Please move your aircraft back to the Sacramento Intl. onto the parking position. Make sure the
parking brake is set. We will now setup the flight plan to San Francisco.
The page sequence to setup a typical flight is
D- Data
I- Init Page A (From/To, Alternate)
F- Flight Plan
R- Radio Navigation
I- Init Page B (Weight & Balance and Fuel)
P- Performance
The data page (A/C Status Page) shows up when the MCDU boots up. It can be opened manually by
pressing the DATA key and then selecting the line select key 4L next to A/C STATUS. The data is