2020/12/07 15:07
Airbus A320-214
Aerofly FS Wiki - https://www.aerofly.com/dokuwiki/
reduce the thrust for takeoff, which in the real world at least saves fuel and reduces stress on the
engines. Leave this field empty or even clear it when you have a short runway and/or the aircraft is
Confirm the thrust reduction (THR RED) and acceleration altitudes (ACC). Per default they are 1000ft
above the field elevation but for some departures higher values may be necessary, e.g. for noise
Cheat: With an empty scratchpad you can click the line select keys next to the v-speeds, flap and
flex temperature to receive suggested values. By just clicking the same line select key twice the
entire page is filled in very quickly.
Cheat 2: When a flight plan has been inserted you'll see the UPLINK TO DATA option. When you
click it a request to the company is made and it comes back with computed performance data.
Click CONFIRM TO DATA in the lower right to insert all fields at once.
If you want to you can pre-select a speed for the climb phase. For this select the NEXT PHASE option,
type a desired selected speed into the scratchpad and insert it into the PRESEL field. For example you
can type
. With a preset speed after takeoff when the aircraft flies above the acceleration height
the speed target of the autopilot will change from managed to selected and the speed from the preset
will be inserted into the flight control unit (FCU). This reduces the workload, it basically does the same
as pulling the speed knob and dialing in the desired speed.
Approach Performance