Follow these instructions to secure AirLeash on the strap clamp:
Follow these instructions to release AirLeash from the strap clamp:
• Ensure AirLeash is strapped correctly and firmly around the wrist or the upper arm.
• For the best follow performance, use the AirLeash strap extender and wear the
AirLeash on your upper arm.
• Do not disassemble or open AirLeash. It will no longer be waterproof if it is opened.
Opening AirLeash may cause damage that is not covered by warranty.
• Switch off all other Bluetooth devices within range or disable their Bluetooth
functionality such as wireless headphones or fitness trackers.
• Do not place AirLeash in a pocket or cover it with a sleeve when flying the drone.
AirLeash should be always visible and not hidden behind a layer of clothing.
Failure to follow these guidelines may lower the GPS accuracy and there is a risk
Then press down and secure the other side
of the strap clamp:
Secure one side in the strap clamp:
Pull AirLeash upwards with your
thumb and middle finger:
Press on the clamp with your index
finger away from AirLeash: