4. Administrating the Device
AirLive BU-3025 Manua
Use Pelco
Select this option and RS-485 interface will output pan-tile control signal in Pelco-D
format. This format is widely accepted by most of pan
tilt camera cradles.
You have also input pan
tilt camera cradle’s address code in ‘Address’ field. This
code must be identical to pan
tilt camera cradle’s address code.
Use Custom Protocol:
When the pan
tilt camera cradle does not support Pelco
D protocol, you can define a
protocol’s detail by this function.
Please refer to pan
tilt camera cradle’s user manual to define the protocol.
Baud Rate: Select data baud rate of RS
485 interface that pan
tilt camera cradle
will accept. When the length of RS
485 connection is very long (longer than
200M), it’s not recommended to use high speed connection (greater than
Data Bits: Select data bits of RS
485 connection.
Parity: Select parity bit, odd, even, or space.
Stop Bit: Select stop bit, 1 or 2.
Home/Up/Down/Left/Right: Input the command string used to move pan-tilt camera
cradle to home or up/down/left/right position. You can click ‘Test’ button to send
command string for testing.
Command 1 ~ 5: You can define extra pan-tilt camera cradle control strings here by
giving it a name (Command Name) and command string (Hexadecimal Message).
You can also click ‘Test’ button to send command string for testing.