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Center the rudder and position it aligned to the vertical
stabilizer. Tape the rudder to the vertical stabilizer to
hold it centered. Repeat the cable eye installation
process on the rudder end of the cables with the servo
powered up and centered.
Pull the cable snug. You don’t
need to make the cable guitar string tight.
Remove the tape and adjust the cable lengths to center
the rudder by turning the cable eyes into the ball links.
Push-Pull Rudder Control
The rudder is built with control horn slots for the push-
pull control system and the pull-pull control system.
The push-pull control horn slot is located near the bottom
of the rudder.
Cut the covering to expose the lower control horn slot on
the right side of the rudder.
Instll the control horn using the same process as used on
the alerons and elevator.
The pictures below shows a mockup of the rudder push-
pull system. The installation process of the servo and
control horn is the same as the ailerons and the elevator.
The pull-pull cables can be removed and the covering will
need to be patched.