Page 16
Connect the elevator servo to a receiver and power
supply. Turn on your transmitter. Set trim and sub trim
to zero. Install a servo arm on the servo approximately
perpendicular to the servo side. Use the transmitter’s
sub trim to make it perpendicular.
Reinstall the servo. Assemble a connecting rod and ball
link and to elevator ball link. Check the length of the
assembly to the servo arm when the elevator is level with
the horizontal stabilizer. Once the correct length of the
assembly is found connect it to the servo arm using the
provided machine screws washer and lock nut.
(Turn on the transmitter, receiver and servo while making
adjusting to the connecting rod. This will keep the servo
in its correct position.)
The pull-pull system will use the hardware provided in
the rudder parts bag.
Use sand paper to roughen up the control horns so the
epoxy will adhere better. Assembly the control horns
with a ball link and brass cable eye. Thread the cable
eyes about half way into the ball link.
Cut the rudder covering to expose the control horn slots
on both sides of the rudder as you did for the ailerons
and elevator. Test fit the control horns, mask off the area
surrounding the control horns and use a fresh knife blade
and cut the covering as you did with the ailerons and
elevator. Try to avoid cutting into the bulsa surface
below the covering