FS2 Frame Synchronizer/Converter v3.0 74 www.aja.com
19 Input Scan Format
Auto (default)
Deinterlacer detects input source payload ID data and sets the
processing format accordingly.
Assumes all input sources are progressive.
Assumes all input sources are interlaced
SD Line 21Closed Caption Blanking
This parameter determines whether the FS2 blanks line 21 closed captioning data
prior to video processing of an SD 525i video input. (Line 21 normally occurs at
the top of the raster in the overscan area of video, so the presence of captioning
data or blanking does not interfere with the visible SD or Upconverted video.)
20 SD Line 21 Blanking
In Blank mode, the FS2 copies and remembers the contents of SD line 21 and
then blanks those lines before transformation to ensure captioning data does not
get included in the transformed video. If the output video is SD 525i, the copied
caption information gets reinserted on line 21 of the output. If the output video
is Upconverted and parameter 18 Caption Xlator is On, the copied caption gets
translated into an HD caption and inserted into the transformed output (and if
the caption translator is Off, the HD output does not contain caption data). This
is the setting to use if the SD input includes a caption and you want to retain it at
the output (parameter 18 Caption Xlator must be On), or you want to blank it at
the output (18 Caption Xlator must be Off).
In Pass mode, the FS2 does not blank line 21 of the SD video input and passes the
unaltered video to the Video Processor for transformation. This is the setting to
use if there is no captioning data present on line 21 of a 525i video input.
Auto blank
In Auto Blank mode, the FS2 automatically detects presence or absence of line 21
caption data on the SD input. If no line 21 caption is present, the FS2 passes the
video unaltered. If line 21 data is detected, the FS2 copies the data, blanks line 21,
and reinserts translated captioning on the transformed HD output if parameter
18 Caption Xlator is On. If the Caption Translator is Off, the HD output will not
contain captioning. This is the setting to use if your SD input video sometimes
contains captions and other times does not, or if you are uncertain which setting
to use.I
Blank (default)
Auto blank
In Upconvert or SD Aspect Ratio Convert modes, this setting copies
caption data and blanks 525i input video Line 21 caption data
before conversion, and may or may not include that data (see
Passes input video unaltered to the converter and to the outputs.
The FS2 automatically detects caption data on SD input, passing
unaltered video if no line 21 caption is present, and reinserting
caption data if 18 Caption Xlator is On.