FS2 Frame Synchronizer/Converter v3.0 94 www.aja.com
Output Screen
The Output screen selects the video and audio outputs that are routed to the FS2
rear panel.
The parameters available on the Output browser screen are identical to the front
panel display menus. Complete descriptions of these parameters are accessible
using the following cross references:
"1.1 SDI1 Video Out" on page 55
"1.2 SDI2 Video Out" on page 56
"2.1 Fiber1 Video Out" on page 56
"2.2 Fiber2 Video Out" on page 56
"7 Fiber2 Input Protect" on page 51
"8 Analog Audio Out" on page 57
"9.1 SDI1 3G Config" on page 57
"9.2 SDI2 3G Config" on page 57
"10.1 Fiber1 3G Config" on page 58