Ki Pro Quad v5.2r3
Super Out (1.9):
This parameter provides superimposition of timecode and transport state (Record, Pause,
etc.) onto the SDI output. Note that Super Out applies only to the 2K/1080 SDI/HDMI
Monitor outputs, not the 4x 3G-SDI outputs.
Video Input (2.1):
This parameter selects a video input source from the video input connections available.
Ignore ANC (2.12):
This parameter determines whether ancillary (ANC) data, specifically VPID, is used to
determine the incoming video format.
Audio Input (2.2):
This parameter selects an audio input source from the audio input connections available.
Audio Channels (2.3):
This parameter selects the use of either two or eight audio channels via SDI embedded
audio. Generally, when working with camera sources, there are only one or two audio
tracks being produced, and therefore 2 channel would be the appropriate selection. In
post production use, there are often more channels of audio required, so 8 channel audio
may be the appropriate choice in such situations. Ki Pro Quad only allows for the
selection of either 2 channels or 8 channels of audio to be written to the QuickTime file
that is recorded. Therefore, if the source has more than 2 channels of audio, but less than
8 channels of audio that need to be preserved, the
Menu parameter
2.3 Audio
would need to be set to
8 Channels
Not all devices support 8 channel audio. Ki Pro Quad does not provide a “mixdown” option for
8 channel recordings on output, so be sure to use devices that support 8 channel audio via
SDI if the 8 channels recorded are desired.
If 8 Channels are selected for 2.3 Audio Channels, but 2.2 Audio Input is set to any
selection other than SDI (such as XLR), a Warning prompt will appear on the display
“Warning 2 Channel Format.” Clear this warning by selecting SDI audio as the input
source in 2.2 Audio Input or by selecting 2-channel audio in 2.3 Audio Channels.
Analog Audio (4.1):
This parameter configures the analog audio signal levels for input.
Genlock (6.1):
This parameter selects the source of reference to genlock to during playback. Note: Ki Pro
Quad always genlocks to the selected video input during capture; genlock may only be
needed during some playback configurations (such as in a facility with a variety of other
equipment). For general monitoring purposes, genlock is not required.
TC In (8.0):
This parameter selects the source of timecode from those available.
TC Value (8.1):
This parameter selects an hour for timecode start.
TC Type (8.2):
This parameter selects drop frame or non-drop frame timecode.
Arm Recording (8.3):
This parameter selects how recording may be initiated: either by pressing the physical
record button or via incrementing ststop timecode values.
Interval Record (9.0):
The Ki Pro Quad can be used to create timelapse recordings via the
9.0 Interval Record
Interval Frames
9.2 Interval Time
selections. Note that the 9.1 and 9.2 menu options
will not appear unless 9.0 Interval Record is enabled.
Interval Frames (9.1):
This parameter determines how many frames from the incoming video will be used for
the recording.
Interval Time (9.2):
This parameter determines the time period from which the interval frames are selected.
Camera Data (13.1):
This parameter controls the use of camera-generated ancillary data. Some cameras
produce SDI ancillary data, such as ststop commands, that may be useful when
interfacing with the Ki Pro Quad. 13.1 Camera Data is designed to address the use of SDI
ancillary data. If an appropriate camera is present and sending appropriate SDI ancillary