OG-ROI Series openGear card v1.6 26 www.aja.com
Monitor Matrix Screen
The Monitor Matrix screen offers a calculator that lets you easily define Input
Region of Interest dimensions suitable for a multiple monitor matrix display.
Typically a monitor matrix is a horizontal and vertical stacking of monitors, with
a physical bezel distance separating the edges of the displays from each other.
Dedicating one ROI to feed each monitor, and sending the same input video to all
the ROIs, makes it possible to display that video so it spans across all the monitors.
Monitor Matrix Representation
A representation of the monitor matrix is shown in the Proxy Screen on the lower
right. Clicking selects the area of the monitor at that location in the matrix. When
row and column values are entered, a graphical representation of a matrix will
be displayed. A default monitor position will be shown as yellow. A new monitor
position can be selected by moving the mouse cursor over the desired position
and selecting it. The Input Region of Interest position (X,Y) and size (W,H) values
will then be automatically calculated. When Apply is clicked, the monitor position
rectangle will turn green. When a non-zero Bezel Width is entered, the bezel
border around that area is colored red.
Select the number of rows in the monitor matrix. Select from 1 to 20.
Select the number of columns in the monitor matrix. Select from 1 to 20.