SCALA HD Media Player User Manual
Max Upload Rate: Set the maximum upload speed. Set to “0” is no limit. Default setting is 20KB/s.
Seeding time: Setting of how long you would like to keep sharing the seed once task finished. Default is 24 hours; set to
“0” mean not sharing after finished.
Delete the torrent file: When finish, the system will delete the torrent task automatically. Default setting is NO.
Max simultaneous download task number: Setting of how many tasks you would like to run at the same time. Default
setting is 4 tasks. Maximum is 10 tasks.
When finish the setting, please click on the “Save Setting” to save all settings.
NOTE: Please be aware that overloading BT tasks would impact the performance of the Scala HD Media Player. It
is recommended to leave the device idle when performing BT download.
Adding seeds
1. Click on “+Add new torrent” to add a new download task.