R49G Guard Phone Administrator Guide
10.2.CNG configuration
R49G allows you to set up CNG (Comfort Noise Generator)during the call.
When CNG function is enabled you will be able to hear a comfortable noise in
the moment when both side are not talking during a call. You can press
and press
Audio Settings
, then enable the CNG.
Parameter Set-up:
CNG(Comfort Noise Generation)
: Allow R49G to generate comfortable
background noise for voice communications during periods of silence in
a conversation. It is a part of the silence suppression or VAD
Activity Detection
handling for VoIP technology. CNG, in conjunction with
VAD algorithms, quickly responds when periods of silence occur and
inserts artificial noise until voice activity resumes. The insertion of
artificial noise gives the illusion of a constant transmission stream, so
that background sound is consistent throughout the call and the listener
does not think the line has released.