The Stretch SCP is a multi-functional device, a true System-On-Chip (SoC). It is a hub of Fast-
X that collects, processes and distributes video data helped by its novel design and the fast
data interconnect on the chip. Stretch SCP supplies large number of high-speed computer
interfaces that move video data between local and external devices. It also provides image-
processing capabilities using two FPGA-like programmable fabrics extending its traditional
processor architecture. The sizeable, up to 2GB and fast Stretch SDRAM memory has
sufficient bandwidth to buffer video data streams during capture and processing.
The Fast-X uses two UARTs in the Stretch processor to communicate with external video
devices, including CameraLink cameras. Serial links allow machine vision applications to
control and configure cameras and other video devices.
Figure 2 – Fast-X PCI-X Block Diagram