PX865PE Lite Series
MPS Version Control For OS
The 1.1 version is the older version that supports 8 more IRQs in the Windows NT environment.
Choose the new 1.4 version for Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Options: 1.4 (default)
OS Select For DRAM > 64MB
Select “OS2” only if you are running the OS/2 operating system with greater than 64MB of RAM.
Options: Non-OS2 (default)
HDD S.M.A.R.T. Capability
Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology is a technology that enables a PC to attempt to
predict the possible failure of storage drives. Options: Disabled (default)
Intel OSB Logo Show
This item allows you to show or hide the Intel OSB logo. Options: Enabled (default)
Advanced Chipset Features
DRAM Timing Selectable
This item determines DRAM clock/ timing using SPD or manual configuration.
Make sure your memory module has SPD (Serial Presence Data), if you want to select the “By SPD”
option. Options: Manual
By SPD (default)
CAS Latency Time
This item determines CAS Latency. When synchronous DRAM is installed, the number of clock
cycles of CAS latency depends on the DRAM timing. Do not reset this field from the default value
specified by the system designer. This field is adjustable only when “DRAM Timing Selectable” is
set to “Manual”. Options: 2
3 and By SPD (default)
Active to Precharge Delay
This item allows you to select DRAM Active to Precharge Delay.
Options: 8
5 and default is by SPD
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay
This item allows you to select a delay time between the CAS and RAS strobe signals. It only applies
when DRAM is written to, read from, or refreshed. This field is adjustable only when “DRAM
Timing Selectable” is set to “manual”. Options: 4
2 and default is by SPD