•While using the spa, you can immerse maintaining your body, head and clothing at least 40 cm from the suction
vents, ensuring long hair is properly collected.
•It should be taken into account that the greater the spa is used the more often the water’s quality has to be checked.
Make sure that the chemicals used are suitable for spas and remember that the pools and spas water treatment is
different (see paragraph “Water treatment”).
•Read and follow all the instructions related to the chemicals’ use and storage, scrupulously following the manu-
factrer’s instructions on the packaging.
•After the chemicals have been added, the filtration system must operate for at least 30 minutes in order to ensure the
complete water dilution.
•Never clean the filters and filter cartridges while the pumps are functioning.
•Turn off the general switches first.
•Always turn off the general switches when the spa is empty.
•The spa does not have the overflow discharge, consequently the filling level must be taken into consideration if used
by people whose built is above average or if used by 4/5 people or more.
•Enter one at a time to check that there are no water leaks from the top edge and, if necessary, reduce the quantity