GNE, Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch, 9471 WMM, eNodeB, and
5780 DSC considerations
GNE, Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch, 9471 WMM, eNodeB, and 5780 DSC considerations
5620 SAM Clients support the web-based WebView functionality on OmniSwitch family
of switches which requires direct network connectivity to the Network Element from the
5620 SAM Client.
5620 SAM Clients support web-based clients on Generic Network Elements (GNEs) but
require direct network connectivity between the 5620 SAM Client and GNE.
The 5780 DSC and 9471 WMM are treated as network elements within 5620 SAM.
The 5780 DSC is managed via a web interface that is run through the browser that is
installed on the 5620 SAM Client workstation or 5620 SAM Delegate workstation. It
requires a direct connection from the 5620 SAM Client to the 5780 DSC. As such, unique
firewall rules are required. There are also increased memory requirements on the 5620
SAM Client and/or 5620 SAM Delegate workstations for the Web Browser.
The 9471 WMM requires two management tools to be configured: the MME MI tool, and
the Client. Their management includes communication directly from the 5620 SAM
Client to the 9471 WMM platforms.
The eNodeB NEM is installed along with the 5620 SAM Client and communicates with
the eNodeB elements in the network through a UDP proxy configured on the 5620 SAM
Server, eliminating the need for direct communication between the network elements and
the 5620 SAM Client. NEM runs within a separate JVM requiring additional memory
resources on the 5620 SAM Client workstation. Please consult the NEM User Guide for
up-to-date memory requirements for NEM.
9500 MPR support includes the use of NEtO for specific management functions for these
Network Element types. NEtO is a separate application that is installed along with the
5620 SAM Client and launched through the 5620 SAM Client UI. Please consult the 9500
MPR Documentation Suite for current memory requirements that are in addition to the
5620 SAM Client memory requirements. The 9500MPR also uses a web interface for
Network requirements
GNE, Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch, 9471 WMM, eNodeB, and
5780 DSC considerations
5620 SAM
3HE-09809-AAAG-TQZZA 13.0 R7
Issue 1
December 2015