A start time that can have a test suite or test suites assigned to it to produce
scheduled tasks. When the schedule's start time is reached, the suite or suites assigned to
it will commence. The schedule may be set to continuously repeat after a configurable
period of time.
Scheduled Task:
An instance of a test suite assigned to a schedule
Non -NE Schedulable STM Tests:
5620 SAM provides the ability to execute and process
results for non NE schedulable tests. Non NE schedulable tests are elemental tests which
are not persistently defined on network elements; rather, these tests are
defined/configured from 5620 SAM per test execution. Elemental test results from
non-NE schedulable tests are always regular (SNMP mediated) and share the same scale
limits/considerations as regular scheduled STM tests.
Table 6-15
Maximum number of STM elemental test results
5620 SAM platform
Maximum regular STM
elemental test results
(SNMP mediated
schedulable/ non-NE
schedulable) in a 10
minute period
Maximum accounting
file STM elemental test
results in a 10 minute
period with results
stored in the SAM
Database or SAM
Database and using
Maximum accounting
file STM elemental test
results in a 10 minute
period using logToFile
Distributed 5620 SAM Configuration with
minimum 8 CPU Core 5620 SAM Server
Distributed 5620 SAM Configuration
NOTE: It may be possible to achieve higher
numbers depending on the 5620 SAM Server
activity and hardware platform
Minimum Supported Collocated 5620 SAM
NOTE: It may be possible to achieve higher
numbers depending on the 5620 SAM Server
activity and hardware platform
may require a dedicated disk or striped disks for the xml_output partition
Guidelines for maximizing STM test execution:
By default, 5620 SAM will only allow test suites with a combined weight of 80,000 to
execute concurrently. The test suite weights are identified in the 5620 SAM GUI’s Test
Suites List window. Running too many tests that start at the same time will cause the
system to exceed the previously mentioned limit, and the test will be skipped. Ensuring
Scaling guidelines for scheduled tests (STM)
Scaling guidelines for scheduled tests (STM)
5620 SAM
3HE-09809-AAAG-TQZZA 13.0 R7
Issue 1
December 2015